Visitors’ Rules and Regulations

InterEvent – fairs – organization – advice

By purchasing an admission ticket for or attending an exhibition/event of InterEvent Beurzen B.V. (trading under InterEvent fairs – organization – advice) the visitor agrees to the InterEvent Visitors’ Rules and Regulations. These are filed below.

  1. General

Visitors enter Fair/Event and participate in activities at Fair/Event at their own risk. Parents and supervisors are responsible for the behavior of their children. The instructions of the employees of InterEvent must be followed at all times. The employees of InterEvent are entitled to remove visitors, who do not comply with the mentioned general conditions visitors or who (threaten to) disturb the order, from Fair/Event. In such a case the visitor is not entitled to compensation.

Visitors are not permitted to conduct their own trade or marketing activities in any form whatsoever on or in the immediate vicinity of the event site.

  1. Access

It is only possible to enter the Fair/Event with a valid entrance ticket or invitation. InterEvent reserves at all times the right to refuse entry to persons, for example when they are under the influence of alcohol or narcotics or when they disturb or threaten to disturb the order.

  1. Tickets

Admission tickets will not be returned, refunded, replaced or extended. The bar code on tickets must not be folded or damaged. If damaged, the barcode may not be able to be read, preventing access. Copying the admission ticket is not allowed. An admission ticket gives access to the fair/event for 1 person (unless otherwise indicated on the admission ticket). The place and dates including entry times of Fair/Event are listed on the admission ticket.

  1. Brought items

Carrying weapons or other dangerous objects (at the discretion of InterEvent staff) is prohibited. Use of narcotics is not permitted. Radios and other sound equipment are not allowed. Scooters, (children’s) bikes, skates and other possible means of transportation, with the exception of wheelchairs, are not allowed at the time of Fair/Event.

  1. Smoking

No smoking is allowed inside the Fair/Event venue. Outside smoking is permitted in designated areas.

  1. Safety

With regard to visitor safety, visitors are strictly prohibited from entering technical areas and/or areas where it is indicated that the area is only accessible to staff.

  1. Photographing and filming

7.1 Photography for private use is permitted, after consultation with the Exhibitor, unless otherwise indicated at the entrance. Use of flash and/or tripod is not permitted. Publication of image and/or sound material is prohibited, unless InterEvent has given prior written permission.

7.2 It is possible that you as a guest may be filmed or photographed. InterEvent always reserves the right to use this material for publication through all possible media forms and you as a visitor to Fair/Event explicitly agree to this.

  1. Children and guidance

Children ages up to and including 18 must be accompanied by at least one adult chaperone unless otherwise specified by InterEvent.

  1. Ordering tickets, booking changes and discount offers

We recommend buying tickets online or on the days themselves at the box office at the entrance of Fair/Event. Refunds of unused tickets are not possible, Announcements of new (discount) promotions also do not constitute grounds for refunds.

  1. Refund for absence or late arrival

In the absence of persons belonging to a group and/or individual visitors, no money will be refunded by InterEvent. If the visitor does not use the admission ticket for any reason, this will be at his/her own expense. An admission ticket once obtained cannot be exchanged. Nor will there be a refund of the admission price in these cases. The right of withdrawal does not apply.

  1. Damage

Fair/Event is carefully maintained. Nevertheless, the visitor may encounter an unsafe situation or damage. We request the visitor to report this as soon as possible to one of the InterEvent staff so that they can take action. It is also possible that the visitor causes unintentional damage himself. Also in this case we request the visitor to report this to the staff of InterEvent before the visitor leaves the Fair/Event.

  1. Liability

Should the visitor have experienced damage during the visit to Fair/Event, the visitor must report this to InterEvent staff before departure. Any compensation in the event of a report at a later time is in any case excluded. The liability of the Organization is limited to compensation for direct damage, whereby the amount payable to the Visitor shall never exceed the amount paid out by the insurance company of the Organization in the case in question. For indirect damages, including consequential damages, lost profits, lost savings and damage due to business stagnation, the Organization shall never be liable. InterEvent accepts no liability for any damage suffered by the Visitor, unless this damage is the direct result of intent or gross negligence of InterEvent or one of its employees. The liability in this case is limited to compensation for direct damage up to the amount paid out by the insurer of the Organization in the case in question. No liability can also be accepted in the event of loss or damage occurring during a visit to Exhibit/Event in custody. The exclusion of liability does not apply to the extent that InterEvent receives compensation from an insurance company or another third party with respect to the risk that has arisen.

  1. Relocations, calamities and cancellation of exhibitions

InterEvent reserves the right to reschedule or cancel Fair/Event in time. In case of rescheduled Exhibitions/Events the tickets remain valid. If you are unable (in case of a rescheduled Fair/Event) to attend Fair/Event in the substitute period, InterEvent will ensure that your entry fee is refunded to your bank account or credit card as soon as possible, depending on your payment method. Service and administration fees will not be refunded. If Fair/Event is finally cancelled or cannot take place, the amount of the admission tickets will be refunded to your bank account or credit card, depending on your payment method. Service and administration fees are non-refundable. Online ticket presales will be refunded through relevant reseller.

  1. Applicable law/Jurisdiction

Dutch law applies to these visitor conditions. All disputes shall be submitted exclusively to the competent court of the Central Netherlands District Court.

  1. Changes

InterEvent shall be entitled at any time to make amendments to these Rules. These amendments shall not take effect until the time announced for them.

  1. Final clause

In addition to these conditions, the General Conditions of the relevant Venue where the Exhibition/Event is held also apply. InterEvent also has separate General Terms and Conditions for Exhibitors. These are published at